After some digging around, I ran across a few ways to make the Radisson Buy One Get One deal from my last article even sweeter!
- Sign up for a TopCashBack account and get 8% cash back by signing in to their shopping portal then clicking on their Radisson link before booking (8% good for the next two days only, then it will go back to the normal 5% I believe). I have used them in the past and the cash back is somewhat slow to post, but it eventually arrives.
- Sign up for this Club Carlson promotion that gives you between 2000 and 6000 bonus points for nights you stay between October 1 and December 31, 2012
- Make sure to book online (which you will using the TopCashBack account from number 1) to get 1000 bonus points for entry level Red Members and 2000 for Silver or Gold members.
- Try using the bonus code 30PCTOFF with your reservation in the “Promotional Code” Box to see if a special 30 percent off the standard rate applies for the Radisson you are thinking about. But hurry because this offer also expires on October 9.
- And always make sure to use a credit card that gives you the highest rate for travel expenses like the 2% the Chase Sapphire Preferred does.
Hat tip to our friends over at Million Mile Secrets for bringing all these tips together.