1000 Free United Miles with BCKSTGR.com signup.

The free miles keep on coming!  This is more involved than the 500 free American Miles yesterday, but for twice as many miles it is worth it to me.  Bckstgr.com is a new web site that gives you miles for using social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare.  Think 75 miles when you check in at a certain bar or restaurant etc.  I typically don’t like services like this since they sometimes ask for access to too much of your information, but for 1000 miles, I will share it for a few days.  Once the miles post to my United account, I will probably remove the social connections unless I actually find the service useful and worth the ongoing miles.

They are offering 400 miles just for signing up and then 200 miles each for the Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare connections. You need to use Internet Explorer to sign up and add your connections because Chrome and Firefox won’t work. Here is what you need to do.

  1. If you don’t have a free United MileagePlus account, click here to sign up first.
  2. Go to BCKSTGR.com and click on Register Now.
  3. Enter your MileagePlus account number and PIN.
  4. Enter your email and a password for your BCKSTGR account and hit Sign-Up.
  5. It will then take you to your My Account Profile section and there will be three checkboxes on the right hand side for Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare.
  6. Click on each one of those accounts one at a time, and it will take you to a page where you can link each of those accounts with your BCKSTGR accounts.

Once you have done all 3, sit back and wait for your 1000 miles to post.  People have reported that they do post pretty quickly so hopefully we won’t have to wait so long. My 400 points posted right away, but the others may take up to 24 hours it says. United miles can be some of the most useful miles and I used 100,000 of them to go to Ibiza and Amsterdam for a month a few months ago.

As always, feel free to comment if you have any questions about this process.

Author: John Butler

I live in Miami Beach but love travelling all over the world.