To celebrate passing 2000 Facebook fans we ran a contest where we gave the winner 3 months of intensive one on one miles training to become a TWM Guru! The entrants had to like and share one of our Facebook posts and join our newsletter (see entry form to the right). We are guaranteeing that the winner will earn enough miles for their own ticket to Cancun during the 3 months and if not, we will get them a ticket using our miles!
For those of you who didn’t win, why not start with our Getting Started Program which is completely free and only takes about 45 minutes to complete. Then you can move on to either the 3 Best Cards for Building your Credit if your credit history isn’t established or the Easy Quarter Million if your credit is already good.
Without further ado…. The winner is
Cary Garcia!
Congratulations Cary! You don’t know it yet, but in 3 months you should have lots and lots of miles so you can travel the world for free! You will have to be willing to trust our expertise and put in a little work, but the world will truly be your oyster when we are done!
To everyone else? Better luck next time! Who knows what we will give away at 3000 fans? 🙂
What would you do if you had a frequent flyer expert like me sitting right beside you telling you exactly what to do to earn the miles and book an amazing vacation?
Someone who could:
Help you repair your credit (Imagine our Credit Repair 101 but with custom advice!)
Give you personalized recommendations on the best credit card to reach your goals (Did you know you can get 40,000 miles with no spending requirement just by getting one card?)
Show you other completely free ways to earn miles
Show you how to get miles for money you already spend every month
Show you ways to get miles for any dollar you spend including rent, car payments, student loans and more
And do all of it either in person or via Facetime / Skype!
To celebrate passing 2000 Fans on our Facebook page, we are running a contest that will give you exactly the personalized help I mentioned above for a period of 3 months. I am so confident that I can help the winner earn miles that I will make you a guarantee!
Cancun, Mexico
If at the end of 3 months of my guidance, you haven’t earned enough miles for a free plane ticket to Cancun, Mexico from your location in the continental U.S. , then I will give you one completely free using my miles!
You need to be willing to commit to one hour a week via in person or Facetime / Skype
You need to be willing to try new things including applying for a credit card or opening a miles earning debit card. We won’t make you do anything you aren’t comfortable with and will show you how and why we are making every recommendation.
Open only to U.S. residents (Sorry International Fans!) and one entry per person.
If at the end of the 3 month Guru Training period you don’t have enough points or miles for a coach ticket from your home city to Cancun, Mexico, then we will use our miles to get you one subject to award availability dates
The winner will be chosen from the eligible entries in one week on Friday, July 25th at 5 PM EST.